"Quand l'artisanat rencontre
L'art et la passion"
A shop that highlights my passion in my costume jewelry creations despite my handicap.
After 12 years of disability ... the happiness of being active and having the freedom to exercise by highlighting my strengths. Although the handicap has reduced my abilities but not the impossibility of expressing myself thanks to the artistic side of certain creations which are unique pieces specific to the registered trademark.
Social networks have been revealing of this alternative to adapt a position allowing me to offer on the site my achievements which are within my means but which exist all the same!
Using this magnificent material that is Resin by casting techniques, polished and assembled by hand, each piece is handled with meticulous care.
This attention guaranteed to each element constituting "the" jewel its unique and rare character.
The value of manual labor helps me to have a certain freedom of my choices that are authentic to my universe, often through unisex models , jewelry discovered and tested to offer a choice in the collection.
I let you discover...
@ arcrea.flo
Entreprise Individuelle Atelier d'Arcréa
Numéro Siret : 908 081 706 00016
Avis de publication d'une demande d'enregistrement de la
marque Arcréa aux Bulletins Officiels de la Propriété industrielle (BOPI) n°21/48 vol 1 du 3 décembre 2021
Numéro National : 21 4 816 306 dépôt du 10 novembre 2021 à : 92 INPI - DEPÔT ELECTRONIQUE